“SonaFlex” is a unique intelligent ultrasonic testing system with flexible hardware architecture. The basic Platform can easily be configured to generate all possible types of ultrasonic waves for various general purpose of specific lab and industrial applications. The SonaFlex allows you to create relatively small NDT-systems or for performance of various lab tests.
“SonaFlex” is a unique intelligent ultrasonic testing system with flexible hardware architecture. The basic Platform can easily be configured to generate all possible types of ultrasonic waves for various general purpose of specific lab and industrial applications. The SonaFlex allows you to create relatively small NDT-systems or for performance of various lab tests.
Typical Areas of Application :
Internal, surface and sub-surface defects detection;
Precise wall thickness measurement;
Material properties evaluation.
Type of Applied Multichannel Ultrasonic or Eddy Current probes:
Non-contact EMAT array probes;
UT phase array probes;
UT probes with multiple piezo-crystals;
Eddy-current probes.
Basic Parameters of “SonaFlex”
SONAFLEX can be adjusted in order to achieve precise technical goals and fulfil the customer’s requirements:
Up to 3 frequencies within one unit ranging from 0.5 – 7.0 MHz;
Different types of sensors can be used for generation and receiving acoustic signals over diverse parameters;
Up to 16 independent multiprocessing channels may be implemented;
Single – or multi-channel transducers based on EMAT or Piezo technology, singe element or phased array are applicable for the platform;
I.O.to external systems provided to allow easy integration.

Wireless, Powerful, Compact, Portable – designed for multiple field applications! The SONAFLEX-MINI: a portable, multifunctional, Ultrasonic flaw detection and Non-Contact Wall Thickness Measuring Gauge. The device consists of a low profile, battery operated, compact electronics module and tablet PC. The SONAFLEX-Mini is fully wireless using Bluetooth and Wi-Fi communication.
The full system is portable, with a convenient and customized “Go-Bag” to quickly answer needs in any field inspection requirement. The tablet PC is equipped with our sophisticated UT and positioning software with a convenient and easy to use HMI interface.

System for Non-Contact Grain Size Evaluation and Precise Wall Thickness Measurement
Nordinkraft has developed a compact and sophisticated gauge named “SonaFlex-GS-T” for automatic, non-contact in-line monitoring of the grain size of materials in the form of coils, bands, sheets, and plates. The gauge also can be used in laboratories, saving time while improving fi nancial and human resources utilization related to sampling and grain
size measurement with a microscope.
“SonaFlex-GS-T” is based on advanced, non-contact EMAT technology, patented by NK, allowing a single, very precise, full, quick and convenient measurement. It is a very compact instrument and can easily be integrated into any production line. The EMAT-probes do not require liquid couplant nor direct contact with the test object. The EMAT will never scratch the material being tested.

Set of Equipment for Mechanized Off-line Ultrasonic Examination of Plates, Strips, and Ingots
The RIDER is a Manual Trolley System with our sophisticated, PC-based, and flexible SonaFlex platform. It examines quality of plates and slabs using ultrasonic waves (UT-test) and/or Eddy Current (EC-test) – according to all modern norms and standards.

Set of Equipment for Ultrasonic Examination of Friction Stir Welds
SONAFLEX–FSW is an unique intelligent set of innovative test electronics and probes for ultrasonic examination of Friction Stir Welds.
SONAFLEX– FSW is designed to detect discontinuities and assure homogeneity of the material. It also determines the coordinates of defects (cracks, pores, and lack of penetration, inclusions, and other discontinuities, the dimensions of which exceed the maximum permissible values). Friction stir welding welds from 4 to 40 mm can be inspected by scanning, using acoustic units, equipped with modern ultrasonic transducers.

The SONAFLEX product range is completed with the new availability of field service applications. Our SONAFLEX-WELD (aka“ROBOCON”) tool is an invaluable addition to the SONAFLEX series and accurately follows weld line via onboard sensors to provide totally wireless and tether-free weld inspection without frames or guides. The fastest scanner to deploy in the NDT field inspection industry, the “ROBOCON” is fully self contained with onboard ultrasonic electronics, microprocessor, couplant supply tank and drive system to inspect longitudinal or circumferential welds on pipelines or other vessel types.
Using Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, the inspection is performed with minimal operator involvement. Our “Gyro-Encoding system” accurately maintains position data and works with weld tracking sensors to assure maintained position on weld seam while scanning. Being battery operated, it boasts a 4 hour battery life in typical applications and has a fast change battery system to allow the inspection to proceed with minimal delays.
The “ROBOCON” is the answer to the NDT field service industry’s needs of minimal setup for an inspection and rapid weld inspection at competitive rates to differentiate the inspection service lab from their competition. Our “ROBOCON” is also designed to accept further modular accessories to permit use with EC, MFL, Vision and other techniques as your needs mature. “ROBOCON” should be the only scanner you need!

Set of Equipment for Automatic Non-Contact Scarfing Quality Monitoring
SONAFLEX-WSP Scarfing Quality Monitoring System based on a state-of-the art EMAT NDT technology performs in-line inspecting of scarfing quality. Scanning and building a profile of the scarfed surface, SONAFLEX-WSP can detect over/under scarfing, tool breakage or wear alarm operator when replacement of tool is required. Knowing the scarfing quality is required to maintain Weld line tolerances, which can effect product meeting requirements.
In many pipe mills, the first point at which the operator can observe scarfing quality is after the cut-off. This may result in large amounts of scrap, or expensive rework of the pipes, all preventable by using SONAFLEX-WSP

SONAFLEX-LiquidCore highlights one of the main advantages of EMAT technology – the absence of water coupling. This makes high-temperature material testing possible. Sonaflex-LiquidCore allows material temperatures up to 1200oC (test object) which is necessary as the SONAFLEX-LiquidCore is intended for examination of blooms coming directly off the continuous casting line.
The main task of the SONAFLEX-LiquidCore is determining the location along the length where the presence of a liquid core is in the cast bloom. Knowing the exact position (end) of the liquid core end is extremely important to choose the correct position of cutting the bloom to avoid liquid metal losses which lead to equipment damage, material scrap rates and reduced lifespan of production lines.
SONAFLEX-LiquidCore continuously monitors supplied blooms for the presence of liquid the core, and continuously updates to operator or mill control system where solidification has occurred along the length thus preventing any risk for personnel or equipment.

Set of Equipment for Mechanized Non-Contact Ultrasonic Examination of Engines
SONAFLEX – WTM is an ultrasonic thickness system designed to measure wall thickness on cylinders of combustion engines, even with different metal alloys during serial production.
The Main use of SONAFLEX – WTM is measuring the remaining wall thickness of cylinder sleeves, which are built in engine block for enhancement using Non-contact EMAT sensors to obtain precise measurement according to pre-set parameters.

Automatic Non-Contact Ultrasonic Examination of Electronic Components
EMATEST-EC system is intended for automated ultrasonic non-contact testing of electronic components such as multilayer ceramic capacitors, ferrite components and similar elements.